Meth is a dangerous and highly addictive drug that comes in many different forms, including crystal meth, more commonly known as Ice.
It's a stimulant that directly affects the central nervous system, influencing chemicals responsible for brain overactivity.
It's a fast-acting stimulant, that delivers euphoric effects with long-lasting highs, keeping people awake and alert for hours, and even days on end. When someone takes meth, it rapidly increases dopamine levels in their brain, making them feel really good about themselves — even empowered. They want more of it, and so the cycle begins. As with other drugs, the more frequently it is taken, the more is required to achieve the same high, leading to abuse and addiction, along with the increased risk of overdose and severe and even deadly consequences.
One of the biggest dangers of meth is that it's synethic, meaning it is manufactured by people using other chemicals. The chemicals themselves, such as acetone, bleach, battery acid, and engine coolant, are damaging to your health and can even be lethal on their own.
If you, or someone you love, is in the throes of meth addiction, it is bound to be difficult to see a way out. Life is likely to be spiraling out of control, health is failing and emotions unstable. All you need to know is that you are not alone, even if it feels like it right now. It is possible to be free from the pain and suffering, and many, many people manage to break out of the chains every day.
Addiction can be defined as an individual repeatedly and uncontrollably taking a drug, despite the harm and consequences it causes. Repeating and increasing the use of the drug, ultimately leads to a physical and/or emotional dependency to that feeling.
Use of the drug continues because of the pleasure or value it gives the user. We see it as an all-consuming drive to alter feelings, perceptions and experiences. Regardless of the drug of choice, continued drug use can become a serious problem, resulting in a whole host of devastating consequences. Eventually, relationships, work, health, wellbeing, and ability to function every day, will suffer.
Addiction affects people from all walks of life and does not discriminate from any social, ethnic and cultural backgrounds. It's isolating and people suffering often feel alone, like they are the only people suffering, and no one understands their problems. The truth is though, there are millions of people suffering, and professional help and support is available to everyone.
It is uncomfortable to face the truth that people die from addiction or its effects, but they do- every day. We know it doesn't have to be this way. Millions of people have also found a way out and into recovery.
When you are in addiction, it can be hard to see that your using has gotten out of control. Signs of drug addiction can vary from person to person, and also be dependent on the drug you use and frequency. Here are some of the most common signs that you've moved from recreational use to addiction, and it's time to seek help.
being unable to limit or control the amount you use.
being secretive and hiding your using
an increase in the amount you need to use to get the same effect.
having physical urges or cravings for drugs that affect your concentration.
seeking drugs to the detriment of your personal, family or work responsibilities.
spending money on drugs that you can't really afford.
you lose interest in looking after yourself and your hygiene starts to suffer.
constant thinking about how you can obtain and use drugs.
investing increased time getting and consuming, or recovering from its effects.
experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you're unable to take drug.
being dishonest or deceptive about your drug use.
fighting with friends and family about your using.
a persistent desire to give up or control, that continues to be unsuccessful.
using drugs to cope with depression, anxiety or stress.
​​important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of use of the substance.
repeatedly putting yourself into risky or dangerous situations.
drug use continues despite knowledge of a physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or made worse by the substance.
Meth releases huge amounts of dopamine and noradrenaline into the brain, increasing pleasure along with heart rate and blood pressure. It also creates an imbalance of serotonin which results in changes in impulse control, mood swings and appetite.
Once the effects of meth have worn off it is extremely difficult for the body to return to normal levels of dopamine and this results in the person feeling an intense low that can last for several days.
Short-term effects may include ​
Long-lasting "rush" puts intense pressure on the body and mind.
Decreased appeitie with extreme weight loss
Extreme highs and lows
Rapid breathing
Increase in body temperature and blood pressure
Rapid/irregular heartbeat
Increase in physical activity and wakefulness
A skewed judgment that can lead to poor decision-making
Increased aggression
Paranoia and confusion
Psychosis and hallucinations
Exhaustion, anxiety, depression and lethargy
Intense itching
Lack of physical coordination
Long-term effects may include;
Irregular heartbeat
High blood pressure
Increased risk of HIV and hepatitis B, for people who inject
Dental problems
Emotional and cognitive issues
Impaired memory and brain ability
Damage to the liver, kidney and lungs
Lasting psychosis
Withdrawal from Meth can be very painful and difficult, which is why many users are afraid to go through it and professional help is usually required. When detoxing with 21Renew or at one of our recommended centres, we monitor and control the withdrawal process, easing these symptoms.
The 21Renew team has over 36 years in helping alcoholics to recover.
Read more about our revolutionary program, or contact us now to speak to a human about how we can help you or someone you love.
Making the decision to seek help is the hardest part. We know it can be daunting, but if you are reading this, then you have already made the brave first step of acknowledging you may benefit from professional help.
All you have to do to take the next step, is to pick up the phone and call us for a chat. There is no obligation to sign up for anything and we will not put any pressure on you to do so. We will just listen, share some experience and suggest some options.
Call us for a confidential chat
and to arrange a free addiction assessment:
+61 1800 300 813
Alternatively, please schedule a convenient time for a call with us below